The Solace Stone
Our victims, crash survivors, friends and victim advocates are working to move a mountain, stone by stone. For some, working to move the mountain has been a long journey, while others are just beginning their journey. Every time we remember our loved ones, reach out to others in pain, or live with hope for the future, we have successfully moved a pebble.
There is an often-told story in the Far East about the Chinese grandfather who, each day of his life, rose early, climbed to the top of the nearby mountain that blocked the early-morning sunlight, picked up a small stone, walked back down the mountain and dropped the pebble on the other side of a stream near his home. His son and grandson joined him in this task.
“Why do we do this?” the grandson asked.
“As long as you continue to do this and teach your children and grandchildren to carry the pebbles,” the grandfather promised, “We are going to move this mountain.”
The boy persisted, “But Grandfather, you’ll never see the mountain moved.”
The old man nodded, “Yes, but I know that someday it will be moved.”
When you are feeling sad, or discouraged, remember this story, of the grandfather who pebble by pebble and stone by stone, was moving a mountain. In every pebble you move, you bring honor to loved ones who have been killed and crash survivors.
Tell your family, friends and neighbors this story, and together as a community we will move the mountain, and see the sunlight behind it. This small solace stone is a symbol of hope for the future.
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